About us

Askari sensors are manufactured at a factory in Durban. Askari sensors are the latest and greatest new DIY product line, a much refined smaller, sleaker, more intelligent beam and require far less maintenance. We distribute country wide from this online store with free door to door delivery using mostly The Courier Guy. S.A. only.

Upon receipt of your order everything will be already programed for you, all you'd need to do is place the beam on a tree or wall in the area where you want to detect movement or intruders, like plug and play really and turn it on..

The holding company Roboguard was established some 27 years ago and became a household name ever since. The products have stood the test of time and are completely weather proof and designed to withstand the harsh South African elements, see our FAQ section in the menu above.

What to purchase ...

On the front page see the different bundles and choose which one suits you. Buying individual beams later on to add is what many do. If you'd like the Scouts connected to your existing alarm click on the Askari alarm Interface and add it to your cart. The Slims are similar to the Scouts but are also designed for use inside your house whereas the Scouts are for outside use.